Monday, March 14, 2016

The Get to Know Me Tag.

    Rebekah from rebekahashleigh has tagged me for the Get to Know Me Tag.

Vital Stats

Name: Addyson

Nicknames: A lot of the time people call me Addy. I usually only let them call me that if they can't remember to call me Addyson. Then other name my family sometimes call me is Addy May. No, my middle name isn't May.

Place of Birth: Haiti 


Best Friends: I'd say that the first best friend I had was a girl I met in church. We would hangout together in and after church while our parents talked.

Awards: Probably an AWANA ribbon or something.

Sport: Does PE count. I mean, It's pretty much a group of random sports events. :D

Real Holiday: I'm not sure.

Concert: Piano monster concert which I also performed in.


Film: Right now it's Cinderella.

T.V. Shows:  Person of Interest and Hawaii five-o.

Color: Purple.

Restaurant: Olive Garden.

Books: Ranger's Apprentice, Dragons in Our Midst, and Daystar Voyages for starters.


 Feeling: Nuetral. 

Single or Taken: Single.

Eating: Nothing now, but I just finished a breakfast of toast and hot chocolate.

Watching: The Computer.

Wearing: A long sleeved green shirt with a blue Pepsi- Cola shirt on top, and blue jeans laced with a cute brown belt. :)


Want children: Yes.

Want to be married: Yes.

Careers in Mind: Along side of raising my kids, I would like to become an artist.

Where you want to live: I'm quite at home in Idaho right now and I'm not sure where else I would want to live.

Do You Believe

God: Yes I do.

Miracles: Yes I do.

Love at first sight: No, not really. I think people are just attracted to others sometimes.

Ghosts: No. (Except for grocery store ghosts who knock things off the shelves. Right before your eyes. :D) Just kidding!

Aliens: Nope.

Soul Mates: Yes.

Heaven: Yes.

Hell: Yes.

Kissing on the first date: Another Nope. I believe in saving the first kiss for when I get married.

Yourself: I believe that with God working through me, I can believe in myself.

That's a wrap folks! I would like to thank Rebekah for tagging me and invite anyone to take on this tag.



  1. Thanks for doing the tag, Addyson! I enjoyed reading your answers. :)

  2. It was so fun to read your answers! :) Thanks for the post!

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed! Thank you for commenting!

  3. I enjoyed reading your answers, Addyson!
